Course Curriculum

    1. Want to Shoot Cinematic Video on your Cell Phone?

    2. Step One Buy Filmic Pro and the Log File from the App Store

    3. Get Acquainted with Filmic Pro

    4. Using The Gimbal

    5. Edit Your Clips before you put your Video Together

    6. Putting it All Together, Final Editing

    7. My Personal Gear

    8. Finished Video

    9. CinemaP3 Video App, a FilmicPro Alternative

    1. Basic Video Editing on the Insta360

    2. Putting it all Together

    3. Drone Simulation with the Insta360

    4. Getting Creative

    5. Fun Aerial Video with a 360 camera

    1. What to do with the Video After You Shoot and Edit it….

    1. FilmicPro Changed their pricing structure. Have no fear there is another option if you don’t own FilmicPro now. It’s Free…

    2. Get the Best Audio Mics. I finally learned my lesson.

About this course

  • Free
  • 17 lessons

I Want To Shoot Cinematic Property Videos To Impress My Clients…